
During my coding years, I have been working on many different projects. Some of them have been developed as university projects, some of them as personal ones. You can find some of them on my GitHub Page. I love to learn as much as possible about Computer Science, and I think that the best way to deeply learn something is to apply it in the real world, so I started many projects in Java, C++, Javascript, Python, etc. In a certain way, also this website is a way to refresh my knowledge on HTML and CSS :D. My most important research is my project for the for the MPAI commitee, which is explained in detail inside my Master's degree thesis that can be downloaded here

Master Thesis

The thesis "MPAI-SPG: an architecture for game server support in network communication issues and cheating detection" is the project I developed as my Master's thesis at the University of Turin collaborating with the MPAI commitee, a research group, evolution of the well known MPEG committee, that aims to develop new standards using AI. The aim of this project is to design the architecture of a cheating-detection and state-integrity system for online videogames applications using Artificial Intelligence. The design has been validated through the creation of a Pong videogame emulator which shown results with 98% of accuracy. Briefly, the proejcts consisted in: 1. Architecture Design: definition of a online videogame architecture with the integration of Aritificial Intelligence Systems 2. Online Pong emulator creation in Unity 3. Backend online Artificial Intelligence support system creation 4. LSTM Neural Networks design and training using Keras + Tensorflow on NVIDIA TESLA T4 GPUs 5. Prototype testing and results analysis using latency creation systems



This is one of the projects I've developed during my university years and the first complete game I have ever made. I created this game for the "Virtual Reality Systems" course, to demonstrate my study and knowledge of Unity and C#, together with some gamification concepts that were introduced during the course. This is a solo project and consists of 5 minigames that once completed allow the player to unlock the final "Boss" level and reach the end game. This game uses the isometric perspective with fixed-position camera, with the player which is the ball that, "rolling" on the game field, permits the user to intercat with the gameplay elements. You can find the complete code at this GitHub Page, while here I posted some screenshots of the game.

Game Engine

This project wants to apply all the theretical knowledge acquired during the University years in a practical way, by creating a GameEngine that renderes some objects on a screen using the OpenGL API. The basic rendering features have been implemented, the game feature will be developed in the future. This project is inspired by two important books for my education: - "Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL and C++" by V. Scott Gordon and John Clevenger - "Real-Time Rendering" by Tomas Akenine-Müller

Simple Sample

Project created for the "Mobile Programming Development" course of the University of Turin. This is a Flutter application that I developed to permit music producers to sample sounds from the world, play them in the same way as a sampler and share them with others. This wants to solve a real problem I found while trying to collect sound for music production, and currently I am working on taking it back to life and publish it on mobile stores.


I have always had a problem: sit on the chair in a proper way. The doctor told me to put pins around the house in order to constantly remember me to sit well. And what's the place in the house where I stay more during the day? My desk. So I created a program that makes my Mac send me notifications in a repetitive way so that I can remember to sit well if I hear that sound. Here's Reminder. It has a very simple GUI to avoid to use the command line, maybe in the future something more complex will come


Other projects

You can find the other projects I am currently working on in my Github page.